PeopleSoft Time Entry

Please follow these instructions for entering your time into PeopleSoft.

  • Employees are responsible for entering their hours into PeopleSoft each week as well as completing and signing a paper timecard.
  • If you forget to enter your hours or need to correct time entered for a previous week, please email your captain or visit
  • All timecards are checked for accuracy. Do not enter any hours in PeopleSoft unless they are also reported on your paper timecard. Failure to do so may result in incorrect pay. 
  • Falsifying your timesheet is a federal offense and a violation of Harvard College policies. Violations may be referred to the Harvard College Administrative Board for disciplinary action. 

Step 1: Log into PeopleSoft:

Step 2: Go to “My Time and Absences”

PeopleSoft Home Screen

Step 2a:  If you have multiple on-campus jobs, select your Dorm Crew job. 

psoft job selection

Step 3: Enter your hours for each day rounded to the nearest quarter hour.

  • Make sure this time matches what is reported on your paper timecard.
  • Non-Federal Work Study: Use time reporting code “REG” 
  • Federal Work Study: Use time reporting code "WST"


Step 4: Click "Submit." You may update your reported time as needed throughout the week.